School Wellness
Nondiscrimination Information
Board of Education
Standard Response Protocol (SRP)
District implements SRP’s 4 actions for crisis/emergency management
Dear Parents/Guardians,
Schools and communities must be prepared for a variety of emergency situations. Our school has established plans and has prepared for major emergency situations. We believe a person’s reaction to an emergency situation depends largely on their training and practice beforehand.
Preparing our students for real and present dangers is basic, fundamental education. Different times, different circumstances, and different dangers require that we prepare students in different ways. Through responsible planning and training, we are able to respond to a crisis in order to better protect ourselves and those around us.
The Standard Response Protocol (SRP) is as follows:
Lockout - This action is followed by the directive, “Secure the perimeter” and is used to safeguard students and staff within the building
Lockdown - Is followed by the directive, “Locks, lights, out of sight,” and is used to secure individual rooms and keep students quiet and in place.
Evacuate - This action is always followed by a location, and is used to move students and staff from one location to a different location in or out of the building.
Shelter - This action is always followed by a type and a method, and is the protocol for group and self-protection.
By using the standardized language of the SRP, the District believes all participants will clearly understand the actions and response expected of them. A district-wide adoption will allow parents to reinforce these actions with their students regardless of what school they attend. SRP provides our emergency response partners (police, fire, medical) with a clearer picture of specific emergencies unfolding at our school.
In the event that a major disaster should happen during school, information will be sent out to parent/guardians. Do not call the school. It is essential that telephone lines are open for emergency calls. Also, avoid traffic congestion at the school by not driving immediately to the school. Access to the school and street entrance must remain clear for emergency vehicles.